House Of A Thousand Mirrors
A Japanese Parable
Original Author Unknown
This Adaptation By Erin Gjertsen

House Of A Thousand Mirrors
Once upon a time, in far away Japan, in a little hillside village, there stood a building called The House Of A Thousand Mirrors.

In this same little village there lived a little dog. He was a very small and happy dog and loved to wiggle his body in delight. He wriggled his body up and down the streets of the village, smiling at everyone he met.
One day, the happy little dog heard of a place called The House Of A Thousand Mirrors. It sounded like a magical place and the happy little dog said to himself "I will go there. I want to see this magnificent place".
So, the happy little dog went to the building and it was so beautiful, he just wriggled as he galloped all the way up the stairs.
The door to The House Of A Thousand Mirrors is never closed. As the little dog stepped through the doorway, he thought nothing could contain his happiness. His body was wriggling with excitement, anticipating what he would find inside.
To his great delight, the little dog saw that there were a thousand other happy little dogs, all wriggling with delight, too!
The happy little dog smiled with joy at all this happiness and all the other little dogs smiled back. "This is a wonderful place!", exclaimed the little dog to himself. "I must visit here often!"
Another Story

In this same little village lived another little dog. This little dog was not so happy. In fact, he was very timid and kind of a grump. He was so afraid, that he was suspicious of everything and everyone.
This other little dog heard of The House Of A Thousand Mirrors, as well, and decided he must visit it and see for himself its magnificence.
When the unhappy little dog got to the house, he climbed the stairs very slowly, with his tail between his legs, looking about suspiciously as he took each new step.
When this little dog got to the top of the stairs, he saw that the door was open and became afraid. However, he looked about and decided to go inside, anyway. After all, he had come here to see this amazing place, had he not?
So, the little dog stepped in very cautiously and was amazed! The building was filled with hundreds of other little dogs. The little dog became more afraid than ever, bared his teeth and growled at the other dogs. To his horror, all the other dogs looked fierce and were showing their teeth, as well.
Well, this frightened the little dog so much, that he turned and ran out of the building. He ran as fast as he could, down the stairs and all the way back to his house without stopping! "What a horrible place that is.", said the little dog to himself. "I will never go back there as long as I live!"
Take Away
Life is kind of like The House Of A Thousand Mirrors, constantly showing us a reflection of the vibration we are sending out. Many times we do not recognize the reflection. Each person you meet is like a mirror, reflecting a part of you that is asking for love and acceptance. If you meet unpleasant people, you might want to look inside before judging them too harshly. You can adjust your experience, by adjusting your attitude. Will you be the wriggling happy little dog or the grumpy frightened little dog? Your current experience will show you which you are being. The choice is always yours and a new choice may be made in any moment.
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