Daily Abraham

~ Inspirational Messages From Beyond

A blue wave
Abraham Quotes - Tree of Life on Turtle Island Image
Tree of Life on Turtle Island
A blue wave

A Little About Abraham

Welcome to Abraham's Daily Quotes & Inspirations! These are daily quotations from the collective consciousness known as Abraham, as spoken through Esther Hicks.

From our (living human) point of view, Abraham are a bunch of dead guys who give free advice about life, croaking, and the meaning of the Universe. Sort of "inspirational messages from beyond".

Abraham are witty, irreverant, and know the meaning of life. They teach that there is no death, that we are imortal, and that our "croaking" experience is one to be embraced, not feared. Abraham speaks messages about the truth of who we really are, how to change our thinking, the law of attraction, abundance, healing, and how to get more joy out of life. Every day is a different inspirational message, just for you!

Your Daily Abraham


January 16th, 2025


Anything you desire, the Universe can find a way to let it happen within the context of people's natural, joyful desires. It must be, for this is a joy-based Universe.
And so, as you watch children playing in the mud and having great joy in it, you might not enjoy playing in the mud, but they do. And so, there's somebody enjoying doing something you don't want to do. And that pretty much applies to everything. There's someone who would enjoy doing every thing that you don't want to do. And if it really came down to where there was really not one person willing to do that thing, you would develop another way of approaching it. There are a lot of things that were in your history that you no longer participate in. You left them behind because no one wanted to do them.

Lotus Flower Image

This page was last modified: July 30, 2019 08:49am UTC

Daily Abraham Inspirational Quotes © 2012-2025 Erin Gjertsen, adapted from a script by Jonas John
The actual quotes come from excerpts from Abraham-HicksFYI:If you click on this link, you will be leaving My Spirit. The link opens a new window or tab. live seminars, books, cds, and cruises.