A Man Called The Buddha
Before his awakening, Buddha was known as Gautama. One legend says, after starving and striving, he was determined to find enlightenment. Seated under a Bodhi tree, he vowed never to arise until he had found the truth. After 49 days of meditation, he is said to have attained Enlightenment. From that time, Gautama was known to his followers as the Buddha, "Awakened One", or "The Enlightened One".
Welcome To Your Daily Buddha!
You don't have to sit and meditate for months on end to lift your spirits, although quieting the mind can be a very good thing.
This is just a little bit of fun and inspiration. Everyone can use a dose of inspiration, some days more than others. Each time you visit the Daily Buddha, you will find a new inspirational thought. These inspirations and insights come from all over the world. Some, are even attributed to Buddha.
In my world, there are no coincidences. Know that the message that you receive, today, is divinely guided and is meant especially for you.
When you visit here, with the intention of receiving inspirational guidance, that is what you will receive. If the message feels silly, perhaps, a little more silly in your life will help bring you back into balance. Look into your heart and ask "how does this reflect what is going on within me?" Feel free to visit here as often as you would like!
Today's Daily Buddha
A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.
~Washington Irving
This page was last modified: August 05, 2019 08:26pm UTC
Your Daily Buddha is for entertainment purposes only. Your Daily Buddha © 2018-2025 Erin Gjertsen